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Wild Card Position Paper

 How Did Social Media Effect the Election It is not secret that social media and its easy use platform has made it so everyone is now a political pundits. Never before in history have people felt so connected to the president and elected leaders as they do now as politicians are now taking to social media to keep their followers informed. Before, politicians had to go through media outlets to get the word out, but now they can just tweet their thoughts directly and plainly. While this can be empowering, it can also be risky. There are many PR managers that sweat bullets now that unfiltered dialogue can be sent out at the press of a button.  Prime example of this was president Donald Trump . Daily, he sent feed out and quickly behind him his PR manager was doing damage control. But regardless of whether people followed him to be informed or to mock his claims, he amassed a great following and he was an avid user of social media to voice his thoughts directly.  But it is t...
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Position Paper IV: Social Media

 Joyce Elliott It goes without fail, that every time I get on Youtube or any other social media platform, I will see a campaign add for Joyce Elliott . It is so frequent that her name and face has stuck with me. I find her ads and use of social media to be very interesting and effective. She clearly knows how to sell herself and pander to her target audience; both qualities which are highly necessary for a politician. It is often the factor for their success.  Besides their frequency, a reason her ads stuck out to me was how clear her message was. Often times, I find campaign ads to be vague at best and forgettable at worst. They aren't definite and go more for the flowery speech with little sustenance than actual content. I am often left wondering, Wait, who as that? What are they standing for? What are they running for again? And they are soon forgotten as the video I was waiting to watch begins to play.    But that is not the case with Mrs. Elliott. Her stances a...

Position Paper II: Interest Groups

 National Congress of American Indians When discussing interest groups , it is important to take a look at Native American interest groups. Often when speaking on the behalf of minorities in the United States, the Native American population is overlooked due to their reduces numbers, but that does not make their voice any less. This is why it is vital that they have interest groups in place so that they have an organized front to be represented in government affairs as well as advocacy and education specific for their people. The National Congress of American Indians , or the NCAI, is the oldest and largest interest group for Native Americans and Alaskan Indigenous groups. It was founded in 1944, and it is a non-profit organization that advocates for the betterment of tribes and their future of the next generation of tribe memebers.  Footprints into the Future The NCAI invest in a wide range of policies that they tackle to achieve their goal; they are involved in inter-triba...

Position Paper I: Political Pundits

 It is hard for me to admit, as an aspiring journalist, but the field of journalism is full of moral/ethical gray areas. On one hand, we stress to report the facts, but on the flip side, what is quality writing or a good story without putting a little bit of yourself in the piece? We are told that we need to have our own unique voice, but how can we do this if we only spout out cold hard facts like a computer? In order to be a journalist, there is a fine line to walk in order to find this balance.  So that brings up the question: what is truth? Journalists are only to report the truth (lest we be numbered among the tabloid writers), but are predictions truth? Or is truth relative, and if so, how do we then determine the ethics of what we write? And here arrives on the scene another gray area journalists step into. According to author and financial journalist, Michael Lewis, "knowledge is prediction" ( Source ). If we go by that logic, then so long as we have the knowledge on ...